Diary of William Atkinson part one (in progress)

and from 1873, click here


William Atkinson was a sawyer who became Lord Bolton's Agent.
He married a widow Bessie Burnett (dau of Thomas Storey of Castle Bolton), and lived in Leyburn.
He was bapt 2/10/1810, son of Mark, and buried at Wensley on 30 Feb 1892.

He was a member of the local Society of Odd Fellows, and also must have been involved with one of the local Benevolent Societies because many entries in the diary involve payments of funeral benefits.

Though this diary was a daily record, I have not transcribed the more mundane daily events.

For ease of downloading, this diary has been split in two sections

July 1859
13. took Key
14 took possession
15. F. Smith bein mowing in Crab Tree
18. Got up Crab Tree & Willow dykes into stack . Thunder storm cam on at 9 oclock and continued all night with much heavy rain.
1st. At Bolton Hall with L. Bolton. very windy day
2. Cheap trip to B. Auckland. Wife and I there. a very fine day

28. A severe storm snow 12' deep. many fine sheep died and many beast injured by it . a very singular occurrence.
9. Sister Ann & son John Thos here from Eltofts
18. Sister returned to Eltofts but left John Thos here.
5. Lord Boltons Settling Day. Assisting J.F.Dent
6. Applied to Board of Guardians for Hy Deightons admittance into workhouse. Granted.
7. Hy Deightons admittance into Work House.
11. Askrigg Fair a rather dull forenoon but very fine in the afternoon
14. Dull morning a slight shower of rain at 6 o'clock very dull. Glass settled to 1 above rain got out better at 8 o'clock. F.Smith, T. Burnett and James Siddall mowing Crab Tree & Calf Garth .
Sale of Betty Dixon furniture. fine night.
18. Eclipse of the sun.
20 Smiths grass sold by auction.

2. James Auton gave up his house and many applications for it
8. The Band Contest was here. only 2000 persons in the ground.
16. Preston Temperance Festival today.
21. Hy Deighton came out of Work House.
1. Brother Pawson here today for John Thos.
4. A fine morning. Bro Pawson and dear John Thos gone by train at 6 oclock had a beautiful day and hope they have safely arrived.
At Redmire this afternoon serving a discharge on T. Peacock for church yard.
5. A Quality Ball in the Town Hall this Evening, a great company.
11. A Splendid fine Harvest day. A Quaker lady preached in our Chapel this evening from the words one Faith one Baptism one Lord.
17. Masham Sheep Fair. Sold Jon Heslop Fog. 5 acres for 11 pounds to be eaten until 1st of Dec.
18. Delivered James Auton his discharge.
21. Betty Hutchinson buried on the 20th.
26. James Cooper sale of stock. A very fine day. a bad sale
1. A very fine day. I & wife at Redmire at Rifle Day, a good company
10. Reading Leeds Intelligencer and found the following item

12. A hard frost last night but a very fine day. Leyburn Fair. A great number of cattle & sheep but prices very low and only a few sold at low prices. I sold to Mark Atkinson my cousin of Hipswell 2 stirks for 16.10.
22. Recd 1 peck o plumbs of T. Tasker 1/-
26. Tomy Day died aged 64.
27. A fine day. Brought T. Day home from Clifton Castle.
28. T. Day buried at Wensley
16. Henry Storey has taken a farm at Spennithorn late in the occupation of Geo Barker. 64 1/2 acres @46/- . Geo Barker has taken Bank Top Farm at Constable Burton.
24. Mary Coulton married at Wensley
20. More snow & very stormy. Wm Ward a sale of stock at Bellerby

January 1861
12. Stephen Burnett died very suddenly.
24. At James Coopers sale of hay &c.
28. I cut my finger at Low Mill
30. At Carperby with F.Smith I bought a cow of Simon Spenceley for £15.4. 5 yrs old. Bulld June 14th to calve 21st March.
1. I was at home the cow delivered by S. Spenceleys son.
11. More snow a great number of sheep lost
26. A very fine day. I was at Geo Close sale
19. S. Spenceley cow calved 1 fine roan heifer calf.
1. Nothing particular occurred only Betty Lawson rent for me this evening and gave up her house.
2. I was at Preston with B.Lawson to take my house of Tobias Cradock.
3. I was at home and sent for to meet B. Lawson uncle at her house. I did so.
13. Census for 1861 copied from paper
Leyburn 168 houses, 421 males, 465 females. 886. increase 86. taken by W. Atkinson, G.E. Spencer
Wensley 61 - 166 - 152 - 318
Redmire & B 137 - 341 - 358 - 699
Preston 82 - 223 - 211 - 434
Middleham 199 - 450 - 472 - 922
Wt. Witton 145 - 340 - 319 - 659
20. Tom Burnett very ill
26. Wife & Bessy Atkinson at Redmire & Bolton. T. Burnett very ill indeed.
12 At County court at Jno Coopers trial
3. Geo Auton taken dangerous ill and died on Sunday morning age 62.
6. G. Auton buried
7. Wm Oates died at Middleham
13. Deliverd 8st 9lbs of cheeses 23 in number to Roger Russell @58/-
21. John & I hanging hunting gate.
24. I and wife of to Leeds. Returned on Thursday the 26. Great Review day at York on Wednesday.
21 & 22. Writing at Mr. C. Kirks Sale with John Cradock
1. Tom Grime of West Witton was kill'd between Leyburn & Wensley being drunk he fell of a cart and the wheel crushed him he died at Jas Scotts a few minutes after.
14. Prince Albert died this evening at 11 oclock rather suddenly aged 42 yrs. he is to be buried on Monday the 23 inst.
23. Prince Albert buried this day at 12 oclock. All shops in this town closed for a few hours.
24. a fine day. I was at Bolton Hall & Preston Chapel & Cob Scar measuring of for J. Tasker

1. Jas Auton took acct of Gass metre as follows
from 4 to 10 600ft @9d
from Oct 18 to Jan 1st . 11wks @5d
3. Friday at home writing. Mr Johnstone left Leyburn
8. At settling day with Mr Dent
Old John Skelton died aged 77 years
20. I and J. Watmough leading manure. 18 loads into Crab Tree 7 into Stripe. Wm son of John T. Coates died on Sunday.
26. 206 poor colliers buried near Hartley.
29. Wet forenoon. got out fair in afternoon, came home to get in hay. John Spence of Wensley died in Workhouse aged 64.
17. I & Mr Dent at Stockton purchasing timber of Josia Byas 20 ton 16 cwt.
19. Theakstone begun leading timber which came from Robson Sunderland. 9t.3cwt at 2/6 pr ton from station to Wensley
20. Killd pig 13 stones
20. Election at Leyburn for a MP. Morret & Milbank. I was engaged as a check clerk for 10/6. Morritt got in by a majority 477.
11. John Blades of Wensley died
Peter Graham of Wt Witton died
Tommy Robinson of Leyburn died
19. At a meeting this morning in Town Hall respecting the money left to the poor of Leyburn when Ld Bolton F Kieldell T.O Powlett was present nothing done untill the poor Law Commissioners were consulted and then another meeting
20. A fine day. Preston Chapel opend
25. Thos Fall buried aged 70 yrs
26. At Thornton Stewd summonsing residents for Court Leete Meeting. Sent large circular saw to Sheffield.
30. At Thornton Stewd holding Court Leete with Mr. Moore & T.F. Dent.
1. A very fine hot day. I was at Preston making Joseph Scotts will
7. John Dixon clerk to R.S.Dobson died this evening at about 11 oclock aged 30. Supposed to die of Delume Fever
8. A very fine day. Jane Hodgson buried age 77
10. John Dixon buried at Wensley
11. A splendid grow day. J. Watmough gone to Patley Bridge
3. I was at Wm Coultman funeral along with 33 Odd Fellows he was buried at Spennithorne aged 38 yrs.
17. At home preparing for Rent day. I received 6d of Christopher Chapleo for 6 yrs acknowledgement for a stile out of How Hills Farm into his field belonging Mr Riddell
25. A large collection of shows containing wild animals. 40 horses
5. Wet and wild very like much rain. Henry Anderson died aged 73 yrs.
8. At home taking a valuation of all Henry Anderson's stock & crops &c. young Henry was there with me. my value 100 -
10. I was at Bolton this morning to consult John Storey respecting his will and receiving instructions
14. A fine day. I and Mr Dent at Stockton and Redcar
23. A very fine day. I was at C. Bolton this evening at T. Storeys old house arranging for rebuilding as John Storey had his leg cut off.
31. John Bell of Wensley died this day
3. Attending to sale of Hy Anderson Effects. A very fine day.
6. I was taken ill. lame of 1 arm.
7. I was at Bolton at T. Storeys house measuring of masons work.
1. At Wensley paying pensions & at Thornton Steward.
M. Lambert died at Bedale.
4. At Mr. Lodges sale writing. Wet forenoon but got out fine. A good sale.
5. a fine day but misty. G. Rutter got his leg broke.
18. Oswald Baynes sale Thorsby
26, At home collecting rates and calling on R.S.Dobson to answer a charge against me for appropriating the rates to my own use...he acknowledged the charges and makes an appollogy.
27. John Atkinson begin work today
4. Thomas Willis of Preston died last night aged 19 years
6. A very wet day. I was attending with Odd Fellows the funeral of Thomas Willis of Preston.
10. At Stockton with Mr Dent purchasing timber. A very fine day.
13. Measuring off at Gale Bank
20. At Bailiff House measuring off for J. Tasker

2. At home. Recd beef from Longstaff
6. At home. Bessy at G. Barkers to see cow. Simon cow poorly, gave her 1lb salts , 2oz ginger & nitre. Edmundson prescribed 1 pint of cold drawn lineseed oil and 2oz of lodamun which I gave her and was all right next morning.
8. At Wensley. Recd of John Smith for 2yrs medical fund @ 4/4 - 8/8
C. Fishwick was sentenced for 3 months hard labour for selling a cow
Joseph Bell's land sale last night.
17. Collecting tithe.
At comtte meeting at Lodge
20. Edmund Cooper cutting calf garth hedge
23. AT Redmire Bolton & W.Witton visiting Odd Fellows for procession
24. At Wensley sawing
26. At home getting 57 stone of hay. M. Airey
2. C. Alderson Exg will
10. Prince of Wales Wedding Day. A very snowey wet day indeed. General Holiday. Dinner in Town Hall for all poeple of the township. Odd Fellows procession to church and round the town. Dinner at 2 oclock. General illumination. Fire Works &c.
17. At home leading out manure. Recd a letter from Mr Dent for me to have Jenkin.
21. Spreading manure in Jenkin and Crab Tree. Jas Skelton walling.
1. a fine dry day. Attending a meeting at W. Coopers this evening to establish a cow fund . when resolutions were come to and a fund established with proper rules to come into opperation on the 13th day of May next. 58 cows entered
3. Good Friday. School Festival held in Town Hall, about 300 partook of Tea & also 98 scholars.
7. a splendid fine day. I was at Stockton & Hartlepool buying wood for Lord Bolton. Simon heifer calved a white bull calf
15. a fine day. I was at Mr Wyvill's sale
17. Friday at home. Brought 2 pigs which came from Mr Wyvill's sale. 3..18.
1. At Wensley measuring off for Tasker
2. At Bolton Hall measuring off. Wensley Feast. a very warm day
6. Leyburn Love Feast
18. Received of Wm Atkinson & John Watmough the sum of fifty seven pounds 11/6 which sum John Watmough found in a purse in Bellerby Lane on Saturday morning last for which I gave him 5 pounds for his honesty and 5 shillings to Wm Atkinson.........Jane Spence.
I & Watmough at Bellerby to see Spence in the afternoon and Spence came to my house in the evening & received as above.
21. A fine day. I & wife & Bessy Atkinson at Bolton at Hannah's child christening
25. A fine day I was at home writing . Recd sad news from Dear Sister. I am much in trouble but hope things will turn out better than what I anticipate.
28. A fine day. T. Peacock was preaching today.
29. Bella Thackwray died.
30. A splendid fine day. I was at Wensley saw mill
26. Leyburn Agricultural Show. A very fine day a great show and 3000 persons on the ground. I showed Simon Cow in Class 9
30. A very fine day. Leyburn Anniversary Sermons preached by Sylvester Whitehead.
9. A fine harvest day. Bedale Band Contest.
Leeds Model Band 1st
Leyburn 2nd
20. At Bolton Feast
22. At home preparing for sale
23,24,25,26 At KirkBridge sale with H. & L Holmes
3. Wm Miller & son repairing cow house
15. At Barden Dykes sale writing
24. I was at West Hartlepool with Robt Hutchinson buying timber
30 I was writing at J. Hutchinson sale. Amt of sale £190..12..1
31. Brignal the Stoker was found dead this morning in C. Chapleo's privey by C. Chapleo
7. Calf Drink
One dram and half of crocus metallorum or liver of antimony; half an ounce of dried Buck Bean
half an ounce of Guaiacum chips
half an ounce of sassafras
half an ounce of gentian root
half an ounce of juniper berries
half an ounce of saltpetre
The above except the crocus metallorum to be boiled in 3 pints of water for two minutes and to stand till cool then strain it off and put the crocus metallorum to it. Give the liquor to the animal fasting and to fast 3 hours after and ? well as soon as you have given the drink. To be given at 6, 12 and 18 months old.
19. A splendid fine day. I was at Preston altering J. Scotts will
20. Timothy Hutton died on the 18th aged 84.
Dowager Lady Bolton died on the 17.
8. Thomas Metcalfe of Bellerby died.
13. At Preston dining with T.Burnett Senr
14. At home making straw shed.
15. John Raw married at Wensley
23. At Lord Boltons Rent day
25. Christmas Day. A very fine day. I was at church T. Burnett Senr here at dinner.
29. Mattw Storey here from Sunderland
30. At Wensley Preston Redmire & Bolton measuring off for Mattw Airey
31. I was at Wensley Saw Mill a very cold day indeed. Thomas son of John Ridley of Leyburn Inkeeper, died at Richmond . I was at the Watch night in Chapel.

So ends the year.
Mattw Storey
Mr Robert Colins
No 16 Church Street

1. A very cold day indeed. I was at home writing. Hard frost. Sent Mattw Storey cash £1.
2. A fine frosty day. I was at Wensley. Wm Greyson signed teetotal.
4. very hard frost. Wm son of Printer Plews died.
16. very hard frost.
Sister & nephew arrived safe by rail
21. A fine day. John Thomas had his likeness taken by Spencer.
22. Market day. John Thos poorly
26. Sister J.Thos & cousin Befsy at Burton. Duke of Cleveland buried aged 75.
29. A cold day. Sister & dear boy left by train this morning.
Robinson Tasker & co before magistrates
9. stormy. C.Bulmer wife buried
11. Old Betty Glue died aged 79.
14. James Metcalfe commonly called Butty Jim died aged 64.
15. Stephen Collah very ill.
Old Nany Atkinson died
17. Stephen Collah died aged 52
20. Doctor Edmundson very ill
22. Dr Edmundson died aged 69 yrs.
25. I was at Dr Edmundson funeral a bearer
3. Calf died. I buried it in Willow Dyke
9. A very hard frost. last night I and Wm Brown lead out all manure into Crab Tree. 14 loads. Wm Plews paid tithe and all rates
18. at home Dr Edmundsons sale
19. Bought sycamore of C. Chapleo 2..12..6
21. John Burnett killing 2 pigs
25. Good Friday. Tea Party in Town Hall
28. I & T.Dent at Hartlepool. A very stormy day much snow.
6. A better day nothing particular ocurred only J. Gains commenced work for Lord Bolton
19. At Wensley making Hy Carters will.
21. At Wensley Hy Carters will executed.
23. A very warm day. I was at Tup Gill and received of Mr Doyle 2..18..4 for 2yrs Income tax.
27. A fine day. A great stir about Joseph Ridley leaving home and gone to Edinburgh instead of being married today. his brother John & James pursued him and found him there and returned.
28. Jos Ridley returned
29. A very warm day. I was at sale of Edmundsons House. no sale.
8. T. Cooper very ill
9. E Cleasby & T Lambert dead.
24. Wensley Feast
12. very hot droughty like thunder
Mrs Swales the wife of the plate layer at the station died very suddenly this evening. Miss Pearson the daughter of the late Henry Pearson of How Hill died this day at Wensley.
29. Mrs Horner very ill.
Agreed with mr Dent for Riseber £4..6. A Missionary meeting in chapel. Mr Tindall was here from Stockton he lodged all night with me.
30. Mrs Horner died aged 69 yrs.
3. A dull morning like rain.
Mrs Horner & Josh Scott of Foreston buried today at Wensley.
9. A very droughty day. I was at Wensley - I engaged T. Burnett & Sedgwick to mow Riseber on Monday or Tuesday.
27. A very hot day indeed. I was at Redmire & Preston Spring Cottages measuring off masons work
1. I was at Saw Mill. John drinking.
5. I was at home very poorly taking physic. John Atkinson took off this evening by 7 oclock train because I told him his drinking would not do.
6. A very droughty day indeed. A coroners inquest was held in Leyburn over a child found buried at Redmire
22. Margt Ellen Dent married at Wensley Church
28. A very droughty like morning. Went to cow this morning and found Mary Cow standing on 3 legs with her shoulder rather out or broke and did not know what to do. I got Chambers to write for Pattinson to come on Tuesday morning not to fail
29. Attending to cow a very hot day
30 Pattinson arrived here by 9 oclock train, went to see cow along with 6 or 8 others. Pattinson took hold of her leg and said he could not do her any good, her shoulder blade was broke at the neck he said it would knit in about a forthnight. I was to lash it well with cold water, the cow is very hearty for her meal. I paid Pattinson 12/-
4. A droughty day. Mr Johnson preached here twice
8. A fine shower this morning. Hesletine wife buried today
12. Sherrington of Wensley Schoolmaster died last night
26. A very fine day. Bessy & wife and all our lodgers at Bolton Feast.
5. very cold droughty weather. Richard Dent married this day at Knaresbro (or yesterday) to Miss Dearlove
15. I was engaged in summonsing residents of West Witton for Court Leete . Left Leyburn for Leeds at 1/2 past 5 oclock . I & wife cousing Bessy & 4 from Bolton
16. At Rothwell Haigh
19. Returned home
24. At Court Leete at WestWitton
25. Tasker sale writing. a pretty fine day
31. a very fine day. I was at West Witton at Dinner with Jury of Court Leete
7. At Middleham Moor Fair. a fine day. sold 2 heifers for £15 . paid same into bank
14. John Burnett killing 3 pigs
Muller Hanged at Newgate for the murder of Mr Briggs
23. At Redmire measuring off John Moor's cottage for Peacock & T. Horner
25. a fine day. I was writing at cattle sale for F. Whitelock
26. a very cold day. I was at Saw Mill. paid John Atkinson 4...0...0
7. Martha Peveler married to E. Bowes
9. A find day Leyburn Fair
12. a wet day. wife at sale Middleham

1. Spared to commence a new year and resolved to lead a better life and live nearer to God, and may God help me by his spirit to do so.
3. At home getting in hay and J Metcalf & I removing calves to Riseber.
4. Received a letter from Catterick stating that my wife brother Wm Storey is dangerously ill
6. No letter. Wife went to see him today. no hopes of his recovery
9. Recd letter from Catterick. Wm Storey cannot live long. I was at Wensley a fine day. got in hay this morning.
14. At Wensley no news from Catterick
27. Wm Storey died at Catterick aged 54 on Monday night last at 5 oclock. Bessy, Thos Storey & wife at Wm Storeys funeral in Ridleys Fly.
22. Recd of F. Whitelock for sale £1
14. A fine day. I was at Wensley. John drinking.
15. John drinking. I was at saw mill.
17. Writing at Whitelocks sale
18. Thos Metcalfe was buried aged 47
23. very stormy day. I bought a sofa at Wm Taskers sale 2...1...0.
John Atkinson has been on spree since Tuesday week and has promised me he will not taste drink any more.
1. At Bellerby making H. Carters will
2. I have a bery bad cold and hoarsery
8. Got all garden finished setting
9. Palm Sunday
26. Reed a painter killd @ Middleham Bridge
27. Ralph Hood son buried today.
13. Old May Day
taken 2 stirks to Bolton Hall pasture. John Pawson arrived here
15. J. Pawson & I at G. Barkers with heifer. He hired George Clarkson of Harmby for 21 pounds a year & washing to go on Thursday next.
16. J. Pawson returned home
17. I was at M Ann Emersons funeral
18. George Clarkson gone to John Pawson.
21. a very hot day indeed. Ann the wife of John Spence Innkeeper died very suddenly at Alma Cottage near West Witton
23. a very hot day. John drinking
4. A splendid fine day. Leyburn Love Feast
20. very hot the hottest day we have had. Mr Harrison died yesterday.
29. Leyburn Feast. A many sports. Mr Bainbridge & Mrs arrived here.
20. I was poll clerk at election at No 2 booth. a very hot day
22. I was at Redmire measuring off for Wm Miller the mining Cos house
23. I am very lame indeed in the reumatism from hip down to knee
27. A very droughty day. John Harrison deranged and very ill indeed.
29. Recd a letter from sister. John Harrison taken to York Assylum, very mad & very rageous. Police, J.Pearson M.? & Thos Winsby gone with him.
20. A fine day. Thomas Lawson received a Bible. he his going to leave home on Tuesday.
22. A soft day. Thomas Lawson gone apprentice on trial to Bishop Auckland.
30. Leyburn Agricultural Show. A very fine day. 3000 persons admitted into ground
4. At Downholme Park & Downholme examining buildings. A hot day.
20. I & Gaines inspecting R.S.Dobson premises at Leyburn. Wm Thackwray died this morning.
21. I and Gaines at West Bolton, Castle Bank & Low Bolton. a very fine day.
26. very hot day. I and Gaines examining buildings at Mr. Foberts & at Wensley. Mr Fobert very poorly
27. At home fencing in Jenkins. Hy Hawxwell died at Leeds having crushed his foot on the Railway causing his death
28. Haws Fair a dull day rather cold. I was at home removing 2 cows into Jenkin Fog.
3. At home poorly. I was calld upon to go round Ridley's Farm with Mr Stubbs. Cumberland
4. Attending at Wensley office with Stubbs and J. Little. I was at Leyburn Moor Farm arranging wayjoin crop with Wm Blenkinsop.
9. a very wet morning and wet day and continued to rain. Wm Blenkinsops farm let to Wm Styan
10. A very heavy wet day. I was writing at Wm Blenkinsops sale. Total amt of sale 914...11...8.
11. A very wet day. I was writing at John Ridleys sale. Total amt of sale 688..11..3
13. Leyburn Fair. No cattle allowed in the town only sheep a moderate show. F. Whitelocks sale in Coopers Garth. Amt 592..4..1
28. Surveying at Keld Heads
6. At Wm Dennisons sale
18. Surveying at slate quarries. Surveyor gone home returns on Tuesday.
27. Surveying in Normire. Surveyor gone home
2. Mrs Dobson died aged 80 yrs.
5. AT Preston consulting Mrs Scott respecting will. Surveyor arrived.
6. John not at work
20. Lord Boltons Rent Day. Dinner at Ridleys - the best Rent day we ever had. Mr Dooghe dined with us
22. Bought a goose Mrs Barker 7/-
23. I was at West Bolton measuring off for Michl Peacock
27. At Russells measuring off
30. Cover of snow & very stormy
Cousin Bessy Atkinson married at Wensley Church to Wm Swales
31. a cold wet day. at Watch Night.
So Ends the Year 1865

1. Spared to commence a new year and resolved to live nearer to God and may God help me by his spirit to do so .
At Odd Fellows Supper
2. A very wet windy day
21. A very wet day indeed. At christening of F. Apedale child
30. great preparations making for Lord Boltons son coming of age.
31. Lord Bolton's son come at the age 21 years this day. A great treat given by Ld Bolton at Bolton Hall & all villages where his Lordship has property . A windy wet day..........upwards of 1,500 persons dined in vilages and all the large tennants dined at Bolton Hall a splendid Ball in the evening in a large hut erected for the purpose .
1. C. Alderson applied for loan 20..0..0
20. preparing note for C. Alderson
21. I hold deeds for his house as security for £60. Lent him on notes.
14. A general pray day on acct of the cattle plague
16. Wm Coopers sale
17. J. Atkinson 2 days at work and 1 day allowed for prayer day
19. Writing at Ridleys sale
22. Chr Scott wife died very suddenly.
31. F. Riddell Esq died last night aged 56 years.
2. a very wet day. I was preparing for Hallwith sale
3. At Hallwith House sale writing. a cold day but fair
4. At Hallwith House Sale writing. a fine day. Amt 1200
9. Eliz Alderson died aged 34 yrs
12. Eliz Alderson buried
18. Mr Dent servant girl died.
7. At Wensley. Mr Dent poorly. Recd a letter from Staindrop poor old Aunt is dead.
13. At Redmire visiting F. Smith he is in a dangerous way not likely to recover.
19. Broke pasture Willow Dykes. Mr Harrison & brother arrived here last night gone this morning to Haws. Wife gone to see F. Smith he was dead when she arrived . He died very happy aged 44 years.
21. Francis Smith buried. I and wife there in R Coultmans gig.
11. Making Chr Aldersons will and executing same.
Made Thos Hunters will
12. At Wensley executing T. Huter will and collecting rates
13. At Wensley Saw Mill
15. 8 st flour G Johnson 16/-
7lb beef & mutton F Atkinson
19. At Wensley Saw Mill forenoon
At Chr Scotts funeral aged 86
20 At Lord Boltons rent day . Paid my rent 11....0...0
11.A fine morning. York Reviewing Volunteers. Mr D. Hooghe gone with them.
23. At home. Attending County Court in the case of Dixon v. Whitelock. Dixon obtain verdict. At Wensley in afternoon balancing up accounts.
27. Wm Plews wife buried at Wensley
28. Aysgarth Church opened by Bishop of Ripon. A fine day
30. I and Elizth at Thorp Perro Gala. A fine day.
31. A fine day. I was writing at Robt Ellis sale.
1. Paid Roger Russell for 1 boll pease 10/6 had Aug 10th.
13. At Bellerby visiting Hy Carter he is very poorly he gave me a writing desk
18. Tom Hildrop taken very ill
19. Tom Hildrop died this morning in Work House aged 61 yrs.
21. Tom Hildrop buried at Wensley
24. Wife gone to feast with mrs D. Hooghe
25. A fine day. I was at Bolton Feast. Bagley's Gig brought us home
26. Attending Revising barrister allowed 7/- at Wensley in the afternoon enquiring after discharge. Deliver'd a copy to John Winsby of Leyburn in John Spencers drapers shop
27. Writing at Chr Scotts sale
10. A fine day. I was at Binks sale at Swinithwaite.
11. Delivered 30 cheeses 183lb to Peter Pearson. A dagly wet morning.
12. Leyburn Fair. A fine day indeed a great show of sheep
15. A fine day I was at Spiggot Lodge & Wensley respecting income tax
16. John Ridley of Leyburn died very suddenly this morning at Bellerby he was busy in the Harvest Field until late last night.
Wife gone to York Exhibition
29. J.F.Dent very poorly. Got his discharge this day
31. Elizth gone to York Exhibition a fine day
1. At Wensley paying pensions
3. New window in kitchen fixed
12. a fine day. Wife & I quarelled. The Rev Bolton died
28. At Wensley Church at a splendid wedding. Colonel Cathcart to Miss Gean Mary Powlett only daughter of Lord Bolton. Hundreds of people present. a fine day. Cathcart age 36 Miss Powlett 18


12. At Wensley office very stormy. Paid J. Atkinson £1
13. At Castle Bolton visiting T. Storey
17. At Wensley office very stormy indeed. Sent Christr Alderson other £30 on promissory note. I have now lent him on 5 promissory notes altogether $96. Interest now due from do up to this date £4. I hold deeds belonging his house.
My aunt Peggy died last night at 11 oclock aged 88 years. She has been confined to her bed 6 yrs upwards
20. very stormy indeed. At poor Old Aunt Peggys funeral. I and my wife (Esther here from Middlesbro.......
I heard this evening that Captain Fryer was appointed agent for Lord Bolton
21. Report circulated poor Dent in a sad state
22. At Wensley office. Dent very bad
24. At Wensley office poor Dent in an awful state, fit for the asylum
1. At Wensley office. Captain Fryer enter'd the agency
6. At home collecting rates &c. Josh Horn C. Bolton killed in mine
7. J.M.Pattison has this day cutt down thorn trees in my fence near shed in pasture not knowing whose fence it was it is my fence from cross wall to corner which I toldhim in presence of Robt Ellis & John Harrison. I was at Wensley .
9. I was at Wensley with mr Fryer. Lodge night a heavy pay.
15. Old Mattw Bateman found dead in bed this morning aged 66.
18. At Thornton Stewd measuring off masons work for Thos Constantine
20. AtFrancis Robinsons sale writing. A splendid fine day.
22. At Wensley with Mr Fryer and Lord bolton
John Atkinson only 2 1/2 days at work
23. At Carperby with Mr Fryer at Joseph Baynes sale. Henry Carter of Bellerby died this morning aged 86 years
28. At Henry Carters funeral he was buried at Bellerby at East End of Church

Erected in memory of Henry Carter late of Hudswell d. at Bellerby 25 Feb 1867 aged 86 yrs.

6. At home and at Bellerby taking acct of Hy Carters goods
15. Paid mr Fryer Witton Tithe £50
16. AT Wensley office a very stormy day. Mr Fryer gone to London
19. At Wensley office. J.F. Dent preparing for leaving
20. At Wensley. J.F Dent removed to Askrigg.
29. At home getting constables sworn in.
Attending Mr Fryer and getting agreements signed
31. A very cold day. Old George Robinson of Preston was buried.
1. A very wild cold day. Lord Bolton & family gone to London
I was at Cover Bridge & Middleham collecting taxes & rates & tithe.
4. At West Witton with C. Fryer and at Binks sale Swinithwaite
13. Mr Hooghe gone to Darlington.
Attending meeting of creditors.
19, Good Friday - at tea party
9. At Hesletine sale at Wensley. Bought cheese press 1....1....0
table 4/-, milk can 2/2
10. Fair day a busy fair. Sold 1 bull calf to Mattison
11. At Cob Scar Mill & Keld Heads
13. AT Capple Bank
18. At the mines with Thos Burnett
22. At Keld Heads and preston with Fryer
25. A fine day but very cold. I was at the mines.
1. At Wensley office & mines
8. At mines & pay day
9. Roger Mason died at Bolton
12. At Roger Mason funeral. Also at Thorsby to see Mr George Storey who is in a dangerous way, no hopes of recovery
22. At mines at Bolton and at Thorsby visiting Geo Storey
29. Odd Fellows Anniversary. A good company - a good sermon by the Rector Pro.3.27
T. Hogg mown Crab Tree
5. Bought fork 1/6; ropes 2/6
6. Haymaking
7. A splendid fine day
8. Old George Storey died . Got up Crab Tree and Jenkin Hay very good.
10. 9 pales pig meat W. Coates
I and wife at George Storey funeral. a very hot day came on thunder storm but not much rain. I put on new stack cover
7. At Redmire making T.Hunters will and repairing M.Smith stack
10. At mines
11. J.F.Dent very ill
15. Lord Bolton returned home.
Raynard a girl committed to York Castle for the murder of her child.
22. At West Burton with T. Roper valuing timber
26. At Town Hall superintending dinner. At John Mattinsons in the afternoon with wife
31. At mines and Redmire remaking T.Hunters will. Francis Clough laying a dying
1. a fine day. Francis Clough died last night
6. At Harby Moor Sale with F. Whitelock.
Lord Bolton engaged me this day as clerk to Leyburn Market
7. At Wensley and at mines. A showery day.
11. At Wensley & embankments. Mr Fryer gone to Doncaster
12. I was at Newcastle a trip 2/6. a pleasant day
17,18,19 & 20. At West Burton valuing timber with Peter Temple on Mrs Costobadies Estate.
I boll barley Jas Spence 10/6
22. At Redmire & Bolton Feast
23. At Jervaux Abbey agreeing with Peter Temple on valuations
24. At Carperby measuring off for T. Horner & M. Peacock at Ralph Storeys new cottage
25. AT J. Humphreys sale at Thorsby. a fine day
28. At mines. & J. Storeys sale at Bolton stayed all night.
4. Robt Hutchinson of Castle Bank
Mattw Peacock of Harmby and Wm Atkinson of Leyburn executors under the will of the late Henry Carter who died at Bellerby. All of us signed a check for Robt Hutchinson to draw from Leyburn S & W Bank the sum of £900..0..0 which he the said Robert Hutchinson agrees to pay interest for the said 900 pounds at 4per cent per annum. A memorandum to this effect is attached to the will.
5. At Keld Hds Smelt Mill and at Bolton Gill & West Wood measuring off ash wood which Thomas Siddall has bought
6. A very cold day
10. At T.M. Fryers sale at Fleets
11 Leyburn Fair
15. At Wensley office & at Preston at Alice Lobleys sale bought a pail 2/-
20. Mr House preached 2 sermons at Leyburn . most excellent sermons
21, At Bolton Castle and at Redmire sold 2 calves belonging Mary Smith to John Heslop of Wood End for 6 pounds
23. A fine day. Paid to union £70. John Kell of Wensley died suddenly yesterday. I was writing at Mrs. Spence sale at Wensley yesterday.
24. At home and attending to embankments
6. At embankments & Middleham Moor Fair. a very fine day
7. Collecting assess taxes and Wensley at Fawcett sale
9. At mines & collecting taxes
Old Wm Blenkinsop buried aged 77.
11. A fine day. recd a letter that Old Thos Hunter is dead. I was invited to funeral at Berry Edge or Consett.
12. I started off by train this morning for Consett got to B. Auckland, and returned to Darlington could not get to Consett before 7 oclock tonight I came home.
14, At home finished embankments. Sent off 17 ton..15cwt of Duty Lead. came on a wet afternoon and a very wet dark night
15. John Hunter was here from Old Counden and drew the money from Mrs Hunter 80..18..8. I divided the money and paid Mrs Hunter her childrens share and John got all the remainder.
2. Meeting at Town Hall
Electing Way warden
7. At Keld Heads and Wood End
21. I and wife off to Leeds


6 & 7. Captain Fryer gone to London
12. I & wife and Mary Holmes at Thorsby and Aysgarth Church
1. A very wet morning a very great flood indeed much loss of sheep
Chr Winn of East Witton Mill has lost 100 sheep value £200. Richd Kirk 11 sheep
16. Richd Pratt preached twice here
17 & 18. Let Mr Powletts land to John Whytell
14. At mines & Wensley
Chr Alderson died at 11 oclock
16. At Wensley & Spigot Lodge
18. Chr Alderson buried
David Plews died
22. At Castle Bolton & Redmire Church attending the Odd Fellows funeral. David Plews aged 28 yrs.
30. At Masham with Mr D Hooghe at Simpsons sale of stock, furniture, corn &c . Mr D Hooghes first sale.
31. At Wensley removing books book case &c from old office to new office.
1. At a sale at Carperby with Richd Holmes
4. Keld Heads & Wensley
7. At Castle Bolton measuring off new cottage for M. Peacock.
8. Settling with John Fawcett for sale
12. Easter Sunday. a fine day
15. Measuring wood for Siddall
18. At mines & at Redmire gave notice to widow Park to quit on the 12 th day of May
1. Pension day at Wensley
2. Old Tommy Storey very bad. At mines & Redmire & Bolton with Mr Fryer
16. At Redmire & Bolton with Mr Fryer letting gardens
18. At Wensley & Redmire with mr Fryer examing Thos Stockdale premises came home by Preston & Keld Heads.
21. John Atkinson seriously injured
2. At Festival & Bazar
5. Ridleys sale of land. Last bid 4100, reserve 4600
8. At Wensley office, Wensley Feast
13. At Keld Heads & Redmire
Geo Burnett to give up at Cob Scar
16. At Wensley office and attending surveyor, went with him to Bolton Hall in the evening. Isabella Stothero or Atkinson died this evening rather suddenly
17. I was at Lord Boltons Rent day writing . I found a £5 note under table belonging Robert Rain.
19. Delivered notice to Hy Ibbotson to pay in on the 18th Decr 1868 the sum of £150.
26. At Wensley office and Keld Hds. A very hot day indeed. came on a thunder storm and rain very heavy. A jockey boy killed by lightening on Middleham common. Old Tom Horn of bolton buried.
10. At Wensley office untill 2 oclock at home making out Hon T.O.Powletts accounts
11. Capt Fryer gone to Wimbleton and London
6. At Wensley office a dry day. Doctor Wray at Winsby. Mr John Hammond solicitor West Burton died this morning aged 68 years.
7. A very hot day. Bought 14 stone pollett Jas Spence. Lord Bolton arrived at Leyburn by train.
10. Wife gone to Hawes with Simon Spensley a very hot day
11. A very wet day. wife returned
13. At Wensley office. Hone W. F. Orde Powlett married
14. A dull morning. Old Mrs Plews died at Harmby and was buried at Wensley this day aged 86. Old Mary Peveler was buried yesterday
16. Leyburn Church opened by The Bishop of Ripon he preached from Isaiah 18 chap 7 verse Behold I lay in Zion on Foundation Stone &c
The Dean of Ripon preached in the evening from do all to the Glory of God . Large congregations. Afternoon collection £48.
27. At Leyburn new church
28 Mr Fryer gone to London
30. I & John Gains at Hartlepool. A very fine day indeed
3. Downholme Park Farm let to John Greathead.
4. T.M.Fryer at J. Ward sale
6. Sale at Bellerby
7. Whitfield sale Coverdale. a wet day
14. At Ann Kells sale writing. A very fine day a good sale. £319..13..10
15. At home and at Wensley making out sale acct
19, 20 & 21
was going about in several townships inviting tenants to Mr Wm Powletts reception
22. At Bolton Hall a very large company indeed supposed 12 hundred persons . Hon W.T.O Powlett came of age
4. At Wm Hammonds sale writing
13. Duncombe & Melbank here. Robt Horn died
25. E. Cooper died.
H.A. D.Hooghe married to Lucretia daughter of John Coxworth Esq. at Hunmanby
26. The polling day at Leyburn. I was poll clerk at no 2 booth. Duncombe Milbank & Cayley the candidates
Duncombe was head of the poll by 228 votes
28. I was at Keld Heads in forenoon and at Edmd Coopers funeral in the afternoon
4. Wm Siddall pruning trees
5. At Keld Heads mines at Preston & Redmire. James Storey cow gone mad and he has taken a drink
11. A very wet day. Leyburn Fair. Sold Chr Aldersons House to H.A.D Hooge £490
14. A very wet day Leyburn Chapel opening Peter McKensey preached & lectured at Town Hall
21. R.S.Dobson trial over sisters come in for equal shares
24. Sold Simon Spensley heifer to deliver next Friday for £7..15..0
25, I have taken up the mortgage £150 on Henry Ibbotson houses at Middleham and the deed is at Mr John Tophams office

3. Wesleyan Chapel opened
10. Mr Sadler preached in chapel
18. At home. I & John & W. Hutchinson making calf house hay house and cutting & leading hay from Riseber
20. At Redmire Tile Yard taking stock
31. Doctor Terry very ill
3. Bank dinner at Dobsons on January 20
4 Doctor Terry very poorly
5. Doctor Terry died this day at 12 oclock aged 85.
8. Doctor Terry was buried this day at 10 oclock. a tremendous wet windy day. Odd Fellows procession to church
14. Wm Lawson preached twice
20. Sister Ann & John Thos arrived from Thorp Stapleton
21. At church and chapel
23. At Wensley office. Ann & Bessy & J Thos at Redmire
27. Sister & J.Thos returned home
8. Dr Terrys sale
15. Dr Terry's 2nd days sale
26. Good Friday. At Tea Party in Town Hall
31, At Towns meeting
1. I & George Alderson & nephew at Topscliffe to engage nephew to John Dickenson a joiner
3. At home in the forenoon and went to Redmire at 3 oclock Ann Spensley & I went to Gunnerside
4. At Chr Metcalfe funeral he was 44 yrs of age
10. Delivered cow at West Bolton. I returned home very lame
11 A splendid fine spring day
14. At Wensley in forenoon at home in the afternoon. J Watmough testing drian in Town. A very heavy thunder storm much heavy rain
15. At home cleaning up field &c.. Gas Tar poured into drain in town made all our houses on this side very naucious indeed. Mr Rattenbury from Leeds preached in the afternoon in Chapel from 4 chap 2 Kings 2 verse.. in the evening in Town Hall Acts... have ye received the Holy Ghost
6. Wm Horn of Castle Bolton died of fever
13. At Chr Tophams sale.
14.Leyburn Fair a very cold day
18. At home cleaning up meadow land came on very wet day and continuous taken cows into house
28. A very cold day indeed. Magistrates meeting . George Storey. John Storey and Nicholas Robinson trial before magistrates
29. John Fobert died. At Keld Heads and Wensley
31. At Thirsk meeting Geo Alderson his nephew John Dickenson getting him bound apprentice Paid 10 pounds fee
8 At Wensley office. Recd chque £20 for work at saw mill
9. Thomas Horner died last night at 12 oclock aged 84 yrs
11. The Revd J. Harland died this morning very suddenly aged 56 yrs
12. At Keld Heads & Preston in the forenoon at Thos Horners funeral in the afternoon
13. The Revd Harland was buried this day at Wensley
21. At West Bolton measuring for Michl Peacock
23. Hammonds property sold . Paid Rd Rowntree £3.
6. At Wensley office. Mr Fryer & family gone to Redcar. John Pearson druggist married this day
7. John Coates buried age 71
13. Won all my hay in to stack without rain a good crop
17. At Ben Blenkinsop hay
19. At Mary Smith hay
20. . Captn Fryer begin mowing
31. At Wensley office. John Spence married
9. I and wife at Redcar
11, 12, 13, 14 At West Burton valuing timber on Hammods Estate with John Fawcett
16 & 17. At West Thornton valuing timber
18. A very wet day indeed. I was at Keld Heads & Preston. D. Hooghe in (trouble)
19. A wild showery day
20 & 21. At Wensley office. N. Robinson gave up his farm
5. At Mr Wyvills sale writing
6. At N. Robinsons sale
7. At Pickards sale at Melmberby
13. At Charles Chapmans sale writing
14. At Gelpool sale writing
1. At Wensley pension day
4. Writing at White dale
6. At Wensley Keld Hds & Mr Whites
12. Robert Pearson died. At Leyburn and Wensley office in forenoon and afternoon with Railway surveyors
13. At Wensley office with Lancaster a very wet day, a great flood. Embankment finished yesterday.
15. At Low Bolton purchasing turnips
16. Robert Pearson buried aged 83. I was a bearer
21. At Leyburn church
22. Thos Bowes killing 3 pigs
10. John Pearsons stack on fire
13, A very wet windy day. I was at Thornton Steward embankment
30. At Preston measuring off masons work at Espiners cottages.
31. Fine though all snow gone

11. Deliverd cow Sady 5 yrs old this day to Simon Spensley £30 - she was sold over twice the last time to James Beck £31..10..0 . She was sold at Skipton for £31..0..0 to go to Derby. Bought a cow of John Robinson of Preston for £18..10..0 she calved March 13th a bull calf . Sold calf to T.Moore £1..10. Bought a roan heifer calf of Thos Glew Wensley £2.
20. Geo Storey married at Leeds last Saturday
21. Received a P.O from John Storey Leeds for 1..0..0 paid up for Lodge to Decr 1869.
22. Mr Chapman elected clerk of Leyburn Board
24. Bought a roand cow at Swineside Coverdale of Joseph Stubbs 3 yrs old. Bulld on May 20th (he said)

In memory of Thomas Bagley Innkeeper Leyburn who died on Sunday the 19th day of February 1871 aged 41 years, also his wifes brother Wm Ridsdale died on the same day. Also in Memory of Isabella the wife of Wm White of Leyburn who died on Monday the 20th of February aged 52 years they each were interred at Wensley.
John Smith of Wensley is now very poorly.
Elizabeth is gone into Swaledale to see her brother Feby 25/71