In the name of God, Amen. This is the last will and Testament of me Ralph Pratt 51 Clive Street Toxteth Park Liverpool Cowkeeper. After payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses I give devise and bequeath unto my wife Isabella Pratt so long as she continue my widow all my household goods cash in hand live stock in the shippon and all the stock in Trade for my business as a cowkeeper to be used by her for her sole benefit but should she not be able to manage the business profitably then it is my will that she dispose of the same to the best advantage and be permitted to invest the same or a portion of the proceeds either in a life annuity or otherwise as she may see good so that the residue of her days may be spent in such comfort as my estate may afford. However it is my Will that my wife Isabella Pratt recieve all the rents arising from the copyhold houses and land belonging to me and situate in Feetham Swaledale [.....] now in the tenancy of my nephew Thomas Pratt and Carter Demain. And then the whole of my estate with the premises as above I give devise and bequeath on the decease of my wife wholly and absolutely to my nephew George Pratt now and since his childhood residing with me should my said nephew die before my widow then it is my will that my Brother John Pratt of Old Shildon Durham Shoemaker to inherit for his life the whole interests and rents then remaining of my estate and at his death the whole shall be sold and realized and divided into three equal shares one share to be given to Mary Garnett my niece, one share to the surviving children of my Brother William Pratt and the third share to my Brother John Pratt's children then surviving. And I hereby appoint as my Executors my wife Isabella Pratt and my Brother John Pratt. As witness my hand this 28 day of October one thousand eight hundred and seventy five._ Ralph Pratt
Attestation. Signed by the said Ralph Pratt the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other (all being present at the same time) have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses _ John Copestake ?8 Chester Street _ John Marsh 63 Toxteth Street
Proved in the District Registry, at Liverpool, of the probate division of Her Majestys High Court of Justice on the 25th day of May 1878 by Isabella Pratt one of the Executors therein named. Power of proving being reserved to John Pratt the other executor.
Effects sworn under £300
Testator died 13th Feb 1876