This is the last Will and Testament of me Ralph Place Fremington in the Township of Fremington Parish of Grinton and County of York Mining Agent made the first day of November One thousand eight hundred and seventy two. First, I order and direct my Executors hereinafter named to pay all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences. I give divide and bequeath to my son John Ralph Place and my daughter Margaret Elenor Place the whole of my copyhold property situated in Reeth Lane in the Township of Reeth and the whole of my copyhold property situated at Lodgegreen in the Township of Melbecks all of which are in the Parish of Grinton and County of York, their heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common. I give devise and bequeath to my son John Ralph Place and my daughter Margaret Elenor Place the three dwellinghouses situated at Darlington in the County of Durham as discribed in the Deed of Conveyance equally between them their heirs and assigns. I give devise and bequeath to my dear wife Elenor Place the sum of Thirty pound good and lawfull money annually during the term of her natural life or so long as she remain my Widdow to be paid in two equal payments to be paid out of my copyhold property above discribed. I also give devise and bequeath to my dear wife such of my household furniture as my executors shall consider needfull to furnish her a house. The remainder of my household furniture together with all my personal property money in the house and moneys out at Interest with all my residue whatsoever and wheresoever I give devise and bequeath to son John Ralph Place and to my daughter Margaret Elenor Place equally between them to be paid over to them by my executors at the death of my dear wife but the interest of all such money and securities to be paid annually by my executors to son John Ralph Place and my daughter Margaret Elenor Place their heirs and assigns share and share alike. I also order and direct my executors to pay out of my several properties the annual sum required for the life policy now made for Five hundred pound due at the death of my son John Ralph Place to his heirs or assigns. And I hereby appoint my son John Ralph Place of Fremington my daughter Margaret Elenor Place Fremington and William Coates of Lodge Green in the Township of Melbecks and Parish of Grinton my executors and executrix of this my last will and Testament made this first day of November One thousand eight hundred and seventy two
Signed Ralph Place.
Signed sealed published and declared by me Ralph Place as my last Will and Testament made the first day of November one thousand eight hundred and seventy two who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other at one and the same time have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
Witnesses John Barrett Sutcliffe, James Littlefair

Proved in Her Majestys Court of Probate, The District Registry at York on the ninth day of February 1873 by John Ralph Place
