This is the last Will and Testament of me John Alderson of Castle in the parish of Grinton and North Riding of the County of York Farmer made the fifteenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty six. I hereby appoint my son George Alderson and my Brother Thomas Alderson both in the parish of Grinton aforesaid the Executors of this my last Will and Testament. And I give to my said Executors of this my last Will and Testament. And I give to my said Executors all the dwellinghouse at Gunnerside belonging to me with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging with all money farming stock, household furniture and all property whatsoever belonging to me at the time of my decease. In trust neverthelefs for the following purposes That is to say I give to my dear Wife Elizabeth Alderson the free use of my dwellinghouse situated at Gunnerside so long as she remains my widow and I request my Executors to pay all the interest arising out of my property or mney to my said wife during the time she remains my wodow and should she marry or when she dies then my executors shall have all my property and money valued setling down my house at Gunnerside at the value of fifty pounds and shall then divide the whole into three equal shares one share to be paid to my son George Alderson one share to be paid to my son John Alderson and the other share to be paid to my two daughters Margary Alderson and Dorothy Alderson share and share alike my daughter Dorothy to have the Dwellinghouse at gunnerside to herself absolutely and to her heirs for ever as a portion of the third share of my estate which house I value at fifty pounds sterling. The Clock I give to my son John Alderson and to each of my said sons and daughters I give oen bed. I also desire my Executors to receive the money payable to me out of my late father's estate when the death of my dear mother takes place which money shall be divided also into three shares one share to be paid to my son George Alderson one share to be paid to my son John Alderson and the third share to be equally divided between my daughter Margaret Alderson and my daughter Dorothy Alderson share and share alike. And should any of my said Children die leaving any lawful begotten Children, before the division of my said money then my Executors shall pay to the Children of my Sons or Daughters so deceased the share of such parents or parent, so deceased, share and share alike. And this I declare to be the last Will and Testament of me John Alderson as Witness my hand, in the presence of the following Witnesses signed the day and year first above written.

John Alderson - his mark