This last Will and Testament of me John Bradbury Grocer and Draper of Reeth in the Parish of Grinton in the County of York. I devise and will that as soon as practicable after my decease the whole of my houses business and farming stock Household Furniture Books plate and whatsoever else I may be possessed of shall be sold and the whole of my Book debts and all other [........] shall be collected and that from this sum my Funeral expenses Testamentary expenses and all my just debts shall be discharged and paid and the remainder I give and bequeath in the following manner That Two hundred pounds shall be given to my long tried and trusty servant Jane Pratt free from all legacy duty and the remainder to be equally divided between my nephews and nieces to wit - Robert Rucroft, late of Richmond, Reuben Rucroft late of Richmond. Nathan Rucroft of Oldham, Elizabeth wife of James Alderson of Windy Hall reeth, Ann wife of William Shaw of Hawes, George Carter Reynoldson of Richmond, Elizabeth wife of John Willis of Preston, Ann wife of Robert Raw of Bradford and Jane Ann Bradbury Croft infant daughter of the late Elizabeth Carter Croft this last portion to be placed in the Savings Bank in her name and the Interest on the same to be yearly added to the principal until she attain the full age of twenty one years when it shall be paid to her both interest and principal but if she should die before she attain the age of twenty one years her portion with any interest there may be upon it shall be equally divided among my nephews and nieces as above named or their legal representatives and for the execution of this my last will and testament revoking all others that may have heretofore been made by me I appoint Bartholomew Blenkiron of Reeth and George Carter Reynoldson of Richmond my joint Executors to this my last will and Testament this nineteenth day of November One thousand eight hundred and seventy three. John Bradbury.
Signed sealed and delivered the undersigned John Bradbury for and as this last will and Testament in the presence of us who have impressed it and signed it in the presence of each other.
James Clarkson. John Blenkiron
Proved in the York District Registry on the 21st May 1879 by the above Executors.
Testator died 1st May 1879
Sworn under £100.